5 Books to Read When You’re Soul-Searching You feel lost"

 I’m here to help you find a career that feels like home. This journal is where I share truths about meaningful work: mine, yours, and how to find it. Come on in for a read, and make yourself at home. 

5 Books to Read When You’re Soul-Searching

 You feel lost. You wonder who you are, why you’re doing what you’re doing, and how you’ll ever get to the next place. At times like this, it really helps to have a community, but it’s also nice to have helpful books to read when you’re soul-searching. Here are some of my favorites.

5 Books to Read When You’re Soul-Searching

1.The Four Agreements

2. The Art of Possibility

3. Man’s Search For Meaning

4. The Crossroads of Should and Must

5. The Alchemist

