SEVEN SNEAKY WAYS YOU'RE SABOTAGING YOUR OWN HAPPINESS Happiness: It's that elusive butterfly we all chase, yet sometimes, without even realizing it, we sabotage our own quest for it. Let's a light shine on some of these sneaky happiness-hindering habits: 1. Overthinking everything Picture this you're about to make decision, and suddenly your mind starts racing like a formula One car. You weigh every option, analyze every possible outcome, until you're paralysed by decision. sound familiar? Overthink is like a happiness thief, robbing you of joy of spontaneity and the thrill of taking risk. 2. Comparing yourself to others. A h the age-old comparison. You scroll through social media, and suddenly everyone else's lives seem shinier, happier, more perfect than yours. But here's the truth: those carefully curated snapshots don't tell the whole story. Remember, you're running your own race, at your own pace. 3. Dwelling on past mistake s: We all make mistakes its part of bein...